A look at different AI strategies from countries around the world and rapidly falling price of computers.

A summary of the different AI strategies adopted by different countries. Link

Price of Computing Power is at its lower ever. Human powered competitors aren’t that far off. Link

14 Interesting AI “Pioneers” that everyone should know about from the World Economic Forum. Link

Deep Neural Networks vs. Glassy Systems. A look at the training dynamics of DNN using methods from statistical physics of glassy systems. Link

Given a satellite image, machine learning creates the view on the ground. Link

Best paper from ICML2018: Obfuscated Gradients Give a False Sense of Security: Circumventing Defenses to Adversarial Examples. Link

Plotly.py hits 3.0.0 for Visualizations and Jupyter integration. Great visualization library — pip install plotly. Link

What image classifiers can do about unknown objects. The tricky world of unknown classes in your training data. Link