Tim Davis

Artificial Intelligence. Startups & more.

Employment Relations

There is a disparity between the application and function of the law and its underpinnings on the employment relationship when examining an employee’s perception of fair treatment and humility in the context of the organisational environment. The positivistic tendency of organisations to shelter behind the mask of the law often creates an imbalance between altruistic workplace mediation and a fair process to which organisational justice should apply. It is this organic deficiency by organisations and human resource managers in over applying the law when dealing with employees, which often leads to the law being viewed as a technical means of risk mitigation as opposed to an impartial mechanism which focuses on achieving justice above and beyond any associated organisational benefit.

About ME

Tim Davis

Co-Founder & President of Modular, teaming up with Chris Lattner alongside a world class team who is rebuilding AI infrastructure for developers everywhere. Love being a dad, running, startups, product management, leadership, being an Aussie and living in California.